Windows Live Messenger, the latest in Microsoft’s instant messaging service, has now completely replaced its predecessor, Windows Messenger, which was available with Windows XP. In Windows Live Messenger, Windows Live ID is used for login, and this can also be used as a common username to log in to Microsoft’s different messaging applications like Microsoft Hotmail (now, SkyDrive and Messenger services. Hotmail and Messenger services currently operate under the same brand, Windows Live.
Though Microsoft has integrated its different messaging and Microsoft chat services into one, losing your password information can prove to be a big problem, as you’ll no longer be able to access any of those accounts. That is why Microsoft has formulated a quick and standardized means of resetting the password.
Instructions for resetting the Windows Live password
- Open your web browser and navigate to “”.
- You will be taken to the Password Reset page of Windows Live service. You will have the option to enter the login information for Windows Live. Enter your Windows Live ID (this can be either your Hotmail or MSN email address) into the Windows Live field on the password reset page. Type in the characters that you see in the small verification window. This is to verify if you are a real person or not. Proceed by clicking “Next”.
- Now you need to provide an answer to a security question which you had selected while you set up the account. Click the radio button next to the question and provide the answer. Click “Next”.
- Once your authenticity is verified, you will be taken to a new page where you can select a new password for your account.
- A problem can arise, if you don’t remember the answer for the security question. In such a case, click the Customer Support radio button, which will then take you to the customer support for Windows Live. You can either chat with a Windows Live customer support executive, or send an email to customer support. They will then try to verify your identity by some other means, and help you with resetting the password.
The above mentioned steps should enable you to reset your old password and help you to re-login once again. If you are not able to follow the given instructions, then feel free to contact Microsoft chat support for assistance.